On This Page
Collections are a feature in Greenwood by which you can use frontmatter to group pages that can then be referenced through JavaScript or active frontmatter.
This can be a useful way to group pages for things like navigation menus based on the content in your pages directory.
To define a collection, just add a collection property to the frontmatter of any static file:
collection: navigation
order: 2
# About Page
You can now a reference to that collection either in HTML using activeFrontmatter:
<title>Home Page</title>
<script type="module" src="../components/navigation.js"></script>
<x-navigation items="${globalThis.collection.navigation}"></x-navigation>
Or programmatically in your JavaScript using our Data Client:
import { getContentByCollection } from "@greenwood/cli/src/data/client.js";
export default class Navigation extends HTMLElement {
async connectedCallback() {
// sort based on frontmatter order set in your markdown
const navItems = (await getContentByCollection("navigation")).sort((a, b) =>
a.data.order > b.data.order ? 1 : -1,
this.innerHTML = `
.map((item) => {
const { route, label, title } = item;
return `
<li><a href="${route}" title="${title}">${label}</a></li>
customElements.define("x-navigation", Navigation);